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For Fr. Palladino.. His willingness to be so brave and try and save another human made a huge impression on me. At that time I was 14 years old. In lieu of a birthday gift, I asked my family to pool their dollars so that Father Palladino could have his name added to the plaque. Thirty-five-year-old Fr. Palladino died trying to save the student, Joseph Monaldo, 18 years old, who also drowned. May 19, 1955.

Saint Anthony of Padua changed my life by converting me through reading his writings. St. Anthony, I will never be the same. Thank you for bringing my spirituality to a new level. 

When my father was dying from Covid 19, Father John W. Broderick was the only priest who would go to visit him and administer the last rites. After Dad passed away, Fr. Broderick came to look in on my mother and me, both of whom were also still suffering from Covid 19. I will always remember the compassion of this selfless priest.

Please place my dear friend/spiritual Father Eddie Fronske on a plaque. Fr. Eddie is losing his memory, but will never be forgotten. He has been a true light to so many in darkness.

Father Eugene J. Kazcierczak (May 13, 1026 - August 1, 2007) was a strong voice and expert in the Polish community. in addition to being a devoted parish priest. In 1982, Fr. Theodore Hesburgh requested that Fr. Gene deliver an honorary Doctor of Laws degree from Notre Dame to Lech Walesa of the Solidarity Party (Polish Labor Movement.) A secret trip to Poland, still under Communist rule, led to a visit to the local jail. As usual, Fr. Gene talked his way out and accomplished the task. Fr. Gene was very active in helping resettle Polish refugees in the South Bend, Indiana, area. Working with the members of the Committee for a Free Poland, Fr. Gene helped find sponsors for each refugee and located housing, household goods, clothing and jobs. In the summer of 1987, Fr. Gene was also directly involved when a Special Olympian from Poland wanted to defect. He was given asylum at St. Adalbert Church, South Bend. Fr. Gene said later: "I was questioned so many times by the FBI that I began to feel like a notorious criminal." . . .  This caring devotion was extended to all with whom he came in contact. This compassionate and caring man loved his people. When Fr. Gene was once asked why he became a priest, he simply explained: "I wanted to do the work of Christ. What a glorious privilege." Thank you, Fr. Gene, we were privileged to have you in our lives. (from Fr. Gene's obituary, South Bend Tribune, August 3, 2007)

Msgr. Michael Glenn "was in love with Jesus and scripture. That’s what made me trust him initially and want to entrust myself over to him. I consider him a man of humility and one of friendship. He offered both to me. In my mind, we’ve been through so many times together. He was on the cross in the last few weeks … he was entrusting himself and offering his suffering for the seminary and holy priests, he was so vulnerable. I was able to witness a holy death, I believe. I’m grateful for his example.” (From Msgr. Glenn's obituary, Denver Catholic, December 30, 2021)

I have finally found the name of the priest who taught me that priests are people who can be friendly, can care about people, can have a sense of humor, and can even enjoy walking around at a children's festival, interacting with the children. In 1947, I lived on the island of Guam and was not a Catholic. I had seen Catholic priests earlier, at Mass, and was afraid of them. They were so severe, stern, and even appeared angry to me, then a 10-year-old without any church. But the man on Guam was like a favorite uncle or a beloved older brother. He was appointed Vicar Apostolic of Guam in 1945 and then later made the Bishop of Agana . . . when the Church was fairly well decimated. The Religious were gone or killed by the Japanese, the Church buildings were mostly in ruins and the school system no longer existed. His leadership rebuilt the Church on the island. He was bishop until his death in 1970. I met him in 1947 when he presided over the Scouts (Boys and Girls) Court of Awards and festival in the village square of Agana. I had only recently arrived on the island with my family. I went to that festival in my Scout uniform. I was twelve years old. This priest I wish to sponsor is Bishop Apollinaris William Baumgartner, OFM, D.D.

Fr. Khanh D. Nguyen was born in South Vietnam and came by boat to this country . . . with just the clothes on his back and not knowing the English language. He put himself through college and applied for seminary . . . His love for the Vietnamese people is evident in the way his pastoral ministry cares for those of all races. His homilies are instructive of today as well as the past. He is pastor of St. Matthew Church with a school attached. His tireless support of all his parishioners was clearly evident during Covid 19 by his reaching out to provide the Sacraments, individually if necessary, despite the strict imposed restrictions. 

Confraternity of Penitents 

1702 Lumbard Street 
Fort Wayne IN 46803


Vita Dei Houses are operated by the Confraternity of Penitents with the support of the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend, IN. Father Dan Koehl is spiritual advisor to the houses. 


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